Ionscan manual

By lАлексl, 13-07-2016

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Ionscan manual

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The Smiths IONSCAN 400B Operator Training Course trains personnel to use Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) to detect traces of explosives and narcotics.
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IONSCAN 600 is unique in working with cost-effective, single-use swabs suitable for both manual and wand sampling. These proprietary swabs are designed for .
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IONSCAN Technical Information. Feature Highlights. • Simultaneous detection of explosives and narcotics. • Over 40 .
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The IONSCAN 600 is unique in working with cost-effective, single-use swabs suitable for both manual and wand sampling. These proprietary swabs are .
Smiths Detection has completed installing 74 IONSCAN 500DT narcotics trace detection systems for the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). With this order .
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Triple Quad Scanning Modes: MS/MS - Precursor Ion Scan. Precursor ion scan. Q1 sweeps a given mass range, Q3 is fixed; Used to determine the “origin” of .
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